We list the different tools suitable for the free online translation, online Websites or texts. These tools can make translations more or less complete, remember that these tools are useful but do not provide translations without errors, even if they do their best to avoid mistakes.

Google also offers this service free for translate sitiweb.

Copy this code into your page:
<div id="google_translate_element"> </ div>
googleTranslateElementInit <script> function () {new google.translate.TranslateElement ({PAGELANGUAGE: ‘en’}, ‘google_translate_element’);} </ script>
<script src="http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit">
</ Script>

Google Translation

Google Translate can translate a site from English into Italian and vice versa, it also allows the translation of many other foreign languages, both texts of entire web pages or Websites

Yahoo! Babel Fish
The free tool from Yahoo Babel Fish Translation enables you to translate from English to Italian website etc … This translation tool sites automatically uses Systran technology. Formerly known as AltaVista’s Babelfish, was the first electronic translator available on the Internet.

Systran is a company specialized in machine translation solutions. Its free online translation tool enables you to translate from English to Italian site.

Windows Live
Microsoft offers a free translation of web pages from English into Italian.

WorldLingo provides a free translation sites and from 15 languages including English and Italian.

This Spanish site offers a free electronic translator to translate from English to Italian sites. This multilingual online translator makes use of Google technology.

Translendium is a Catalan website offering a free electronic translator to translate a website from English into Italian.

This Swedish site offers an online translator to translate from English into Italian free sites.

Free Translator
Free Translator is a website in English, offering a wide range of free language tools, including an automatic translator sites in 23 different language pairs, including English-Italian.

e-Free Translation
The site (in English) of e-Free Translation offers a free English translation tool for translating Web sites