After installing the easy part ArtioSEF you may have noticed that the title page always brings home first and then the royal title of the page you entered in the meta-tag. To replace-home-with a more appropriate title can intervene by modifying certain pages of your joomla.

  • Open the following folders: components / com_content
    find the file: content.php, open it with an appropriate editor, in the line 221 find:

$ Mainframe-> SetPageTitle ($ menu-> name);

  • replace with:
$ Mainframe-> SetPageTitle (‘name of your site’);


  • Now we eliminate the hyphen (-)

Open the folder "includes" find the file joomla.php "and open it in line: 509 we read:
$ This-> _head [‘title’] = $ title? $ GLOBALS [‘mosConfig_sitename’]. ‘-‘. $ Title: $ GLOBALS [‘mosConfig_sitename’];

  • replace with:

$ This-> _head [‘title’] = $ title? $ GLOBALS [‘mosConfig_sitename’]. ”. $ Title: $ GLOBALS [‘mosConfig_sitename’];

Save the two files and load them into their respective folders. Always remember that the title of the home is the most important, write a meaningful sentence with the search key primary and possibly secondary site. Now your home page will have an appropriate title and optimized, so you will be found by search engines based on the keys you entered in the title of the homepage.

Enter the title and alt attribute link in the menu:

Open the folder:
modules, look for the file: mod_mainmenu and open it. At line 132 find:

/ / Open in parent window $ txt = ‘<a href="’. $mitem-> link.’ "Class =" ‘. $ Menuclass.’ "’. $ Id .’>’. $ Mythemes-> name. ‘</ A>’;

Replace it with this:
/ / Open in parent window $ txt = ‘<a href="’. $mitem-> link.’ "Class =" ‘. $ Menuclass.’ "’. $ Id. ‘
title = "’. $ mythemes-> name.’"> ‘. $ Mythemes-> name. ‘</ A>’;

This procedure applies to all the menus, simply open the appropriate file, and then as described.
These changes are for the version Joomla 1.0.13 – 1.0.14 – 1.0.15 – but not for 1.5