Docebo is an open source e-learning (distance learning), created and developed entirely by the company’s internal team Docebo.

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The e-learning is one of the open source platform for distance education most widely used internationally.

The success of Docebo is also due to its "universality": the ability to customize the educational model to the needs of contact makes it a powerful platform and flexible, but above all as simple as Docebo, to be configurable for different environments: corporate, finance and insurance, healthcare, government, universities and school

The software is easily configurable and manageable. Who supplied the platform within the software can create their own organizational structure (eg organizational chart). Docebo allows you to easily build learning content object lessons, teachers are free to re-file already in their possession (powerpoint, word, pdf, movies, etc).

User management can be made for groups and categories. The program has an advanced reporting system and accurate statistics to verify the commitment of each user enrolled in a course.


Supports SCORM 1.2
* Accessible second decree Stanca
* Immediate loading of any file (word, excel, movies, sounds, etc.).
* Notifications to users via SMS or e-mail
* Video conference, chat, forum
* Messages, alerts, notepad
* Test, polls
* FAQ, help, link lists, glossaries
Report * per user, per course
* Replica organization chart
* Group Management
* Customizable user rating ranges

Area Management LMS

* E-learning platform accessible
* Support SCORM 1.2, the international standard for e-learning
* User catalog tree
* User Groups
* Notifications via e-mail and SMS
* Sub administrator
* Additional fields of cataloging
* Customization of web languages
* Registration is free to moderate the platform and groups
* Free Entry to the courses or mederi
* Management of training
* Course catalog
* Report by user, group or organization

CMS Administration Area

* Create page tree
* Inclusion of various functions on the same page
* User catalog tree
* User Groups
* Notifications via e-mail and SMS
* Optimization for search engines using mod_rewrite
* Sub administrator
* Additional fields of cataloging
* Customization of web languages
* Registration is free to moderate the platform and groups

Area courses

* Super-Level Administrator, Under administrators, tutor, mentor, student, supervisor, guest
* Double-enabled e-learning access accessibility features
* More progress
* Learning objects are organized in a tree
* Chat, Chat available
* Videoconferencing
* Forum
* Test, random answers, in time, seven types of responses supported
or Single answer
or Multiple answer
or Choose right / wrong
or Association
Reply or open
or upload file
or Fill in the blank
* Polls, FAQ, Help, list links, upload files
* Teaching through collaborative project manager
* Report on learning object or user
* Register with test results
* Management prerequisites for learning objects
* Teacher advice
* Class divided into groups

Features Content Management System

* Topic
* News archive
* Stock images and videos
* Documents archive
* Archive link
* Archive contents
* Forum
* Banner
* Polls
* Contact form
* Chat
* Videoconferencing
* Image gallery
* Statistics
* Newsletter (for large number of mailings)

The company

Docebo is an Italian company which belongs to an international network of academics and consultants, active in research and consultancy on e-learning and open source.

Docebo through a development team that was formed in 2002, has designed an open source platform for e-learning for free in source code.

The platform, which was originally given the name of Spaghettilearning to emphasize the character and know-how completely Italian (since 2004, the platform is called Docebo), is considered one of the best open source LMS worldwide.

The design of the platform has worked in the past the group-psychology and the Department of Psychology, University of Parma, who worked on the usability of interfaces, cognitive processes and the measurement data resulting from the use of the platform. It is dated 2004, the synergistic collaboration with the University of Milan Bicocca. Pork known three-letter

Following Docebo has developed other projects, strictly open source (and DoceboCMS DoceboKMS), adding a constant and passionate research in the areas of teaching and design and application of international standards for distance learning (SCORM).

Docebo offers services to customize graphics and functionality of its applications, consulting, training on the use of the applications themselves, educational training on the implementation of objects, creation of learning objects (relative to the platform for e-learning), technical support, housing and hosting.
