G u i d a I n s t a l l a z i o n e log WordPress D W o r p r e s if installation of Italian B-platform log WordPress

WordPress blog platform for blogs or sites of various kinds, it is easy to understand and you can extend the functionality with additional modules and plugins. Lots of templates and plug-ins or modules are available online free of charge or with which it can extend its basic functionality to create a variety of websites, but more suitable for blogs or online journals. Among the major outstanding modules Added the module multilingual antispamm, seo, etc. ..

How to Create a Blog with WordPress

These requirements are needed to begin installation, or you may want to optimize your system or need a space for your site with WoordPress already installed and ready to use than many other open source cms.
WordPress Requirements:
  • About 4 Meg of web space
  • 1 MySql Database,
  • Wndows or Linux
  • Apache
  • phpmyadmin or simulating an environment on your linux pc with XAMPP, EasyPHP, or other simulators like that.
  • Open the file wp-config-sample.php and modify with data from our database provided by your host to do this you need a php editor or even notepad is fine, do not use Word or other windows that bring with them other formatting that might impair the proper operation, be careful to only change lines that we quote the following example.
  • The lines to edit are:
DB_NAME = "Database Name"
DB_USER = "Database Username"
DB_PASSWORD = "Password Database"
DB_HOST = "localhost"
Usually localhost is fine, except in special cases you can ask your host if you have made changes.

$ Table_prefix = wp_
You can leave this field unchanged or customize it to your liking, the field is useful in cases of multiple installations on the same database.

WPLANG = "en_US"
Translates both fronted the backend in your preferred language, in this case Italian, if you want to translate into English you have to change "en_US" to "en_EN" nel’apposita load the translation file folder, the same thing for other languages.

  • in the end save the file and rename it to wp-config.php

Then load the entire contents of the folder on the WordPress server and retrieve the page from your browser install.php

www.vostrosito.it / Worpress-folder-of-example / install.php
and follow the prompts

  • Click on the link First Step

  • Enter the name of the blog (you can also change it later) and your e-mail
  • This will bring up the function of data load on the database and the database will be populated by WordPress, soon after we will be given for entering our nellÙamministrazione WordPress (do not forget them) where you can find them in the configuration file first ..

  • The example below shows how you will see the administration panel of WordPress

  • To view the theme used click on "View Site"

We could change it with other uploaded to the folder wordpress wp-content themes

We finished the installation, if everything went well you will see the site as above, otherwise we suggest to repeat the whole process of installation, of course after deleting everything to start from scratch.

For those who would then increase the functionality of the site or graphics, there are many online free templates and modules to enhance the beauty and features, you will find some helpful links on this site but also on the first page of your blog you just created.