The best SEO component for Joomla optimized for better ranking on search engines.

SEO JOOMLA open source components:

Components included:

  • SefAdvance

  • JPromoter

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Apparently the various components for joomla seo cited above would seem that the best qualified on the basis of the characteristics of both the latest OpenSEF RC5 output which can be downloaded from here and see the chart below.

Queries for Action Joomla SEF OpenSEF RC4 OpenSEF RC5 SEF Advance 404 SEF
Home 77 171 97 123 218
Article One 51 213 69 97 163
Blogsection 65 155 73 114 162
News 42 124 62 84 147
Latestnews 47 146 72 104 181
Archivecategory 58 165 71 99 153
Some Documents 92 288 118 164 296

We suggest to take some precautions, such as by inserting the links in the title, create your content and upload a sitemap component for indexing all content, also when used

  • sefservicemap – you can add plugins to optimize it even more so that it also indexes the content or the various components that you have installed, as well as harsh a map that you can tell Google about XML in order to remain updated on your site and all the new changes.
  • Joomap