Organize your Sections, Categories and content in Joomla

We explain how to organize your sections and categories in Joomla or Mambo that newcomers are not very easy to understand.
We begin to say that the section is created first and contains categories.

1) go to the administration panel, select the Content menu> Other Managers> Section Manager

2) Click New to create a new section (the icon in the upper right corner)

3) displays the editor to fill in some fields, enter the title (eg Italy), the name (Italy) and other additional informations (image to view a brief description, not mandatory), then click the Save icon .

4) We will use the newly created section of Italy as a container for the Italy category (a category of second level then) proceed to create it in the same way as we did for the Chamber.

5) from the admin panel, select the Content menu> Other Managers> Category Manager

6) Click the New icon to create your own star Italy

7) screen that appears, enter the title (Italy), the name (Italy), the section membership (Italy) and other additional informations (image to view a brief description, not mandatory.)
8) before you click the Save icon to confirm the creation of the category, make sure the Access Level drop-down box is placed on the Register. This will allow you to make visible to all the contents of the category, or recipes.

9) because we have implicitly decided to treat our recipes as special items in the category of recipes, at this point you need to create or modify users who are able to upload the articles. Mambo in which users can perform these operations with a certain autonomy in the category Editor or (even better) to the most powerful category Publisher, we will use in the category Editor

10) to create a new user in this category, select the menu Site> User Management> Add / Edit Users, click New and give your name, username, passwor, select the group (Editor) and spuntra No item on the Block user, then click the Save icon

11) At this point we have to create a menu item that points to the list of recipes, ie the contents of class recipes, to do this, click Menu> Main Menu and click the New icon on the usual

12) in the screen that you will select the entry Table – Content Category and click the Next button

12) in the title box, write recipes in the category box, click on Cooking / Recipes (ie the couple section / category that we created earlier), make sure the public voice has the value Yes and click the Save icon, you just created a menu item that leads to the list of recipes!

13) Now, finally, we must give the possibility to the users in the group editor to enter their prescription directly from the front end of the site (ie without going into the admin panel) to do this simply add a menu item (see Only users who have authenticated by logging in) leading editor of the recipes in the appropriate category

14) the most suitable menu to insert this new entry is, of course, the User Menu, which has the characteristic of not being visible to ordinary visitors to the site (ie those who have not logged in)

15) to point to the category Recipes properly and not risk, for example, to insert an article in news we get a numeretto, the identification numbers of the Recipes section: sectionid and catid

16) to procure the item back to see recipes in the main menu, select Menu> Main Menu and click on the item recipes, and the URL entry should read something like

index.php? option = com_content & task = category & Section nid = 3 & id = 67 & Itemid = 44

notes and move on …

17) select Menu> User Menu and click the New icon

18) in the screen that appears, choose the item link – URL and press the Next button

19) Leave the next screen write a recipe (or whatever you like) into the Name box, and type in the box Link

index.php? option = com_content & task = new & sectionid = 3 & Itemid = 44

making sure to write down the section and itemid you’ve read above (in paragraph 16); click the Save icon to confirm and you’re done!

Obviously there are several points where they can be included but the refinements already so it works exactly as you wanted.