
Plone content management system a very safe and practical, written in Python (winner dell’eWeek Labs Analyst’s Choice award)

distributed with open-source license is one of the best solutions for creating enterprise portals and intranets. The system is multilingual (35 languages) including Italian, more …
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This is the welcome page of the Italian community and development site in Plone.

Zope Italia Logo

Look for material in Italian on Zope and Plone, participate in the Italian community and learn about the activities collage these technologies in your country the reference site is: .

Plone is …

Easy to start

Batteries Included

Supports Linux. Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris. The installer put you in a position to work within a few minutes, without complex installation procedures.

A typical day at Hand

The Plone Team includes leading usability experts who have made Plone a working tool easy to use and productive.

Speak Your Language

Available in over 35 languages, Plone was designed from the ground up to be a multilingual content management. E ‘can handle Chinese, Japanese and even the right-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew with ease.

Everyone loves Plone

? Winner dell’eWeek Labs Analyst’s Choice award, this open-source is one of the best choices? point? for corporate portals and intranets.?
? trad. by eWeek, April 2006

User Friendly

It takes away from your feet and lets you write

Plone-rich editor includes a powerful test, with a capacity of formatting, inserting pictures and links. People used to use an office suite, will feel right at home.

Resize images to Flight

Upload a picture, and you’ll automatically resized in a variety of formats ready for use with the content. Without the need for Photoshop or whatever.

Search Full-text screenshot

All content is instantly searchable, and even Word documents and PDF.
The system of Live Search puts everything at your disposal from the search box.

Nice to See

The appearance of Plone is easy to model. It integrates seamlessly with an existing look, or you can create your new style.


Powerful Workflow Engine

Your business processes can be integrated with the workflow of documents? and include a safety management-proof beginner.

Speed and Scalability

Plone comes supplied with a capacity for intelligent integration of clustering and caching proxy.

Security and Flexibility

A sophisticated security model based on roles, protecting your content.
The architecture? Sandbox? Plone makes intruders can not gain access to your server or your network – even if the system were to be affected.

Syndicate and Aggregate

Folder smart and intelligent update. Plone automatically produces RSS feeds from folders, search results and more? the ideal solution to manage the explosion of information and customize the delivery of information.

Standards Compliant


Plone pages are compliant with U.S. Section 508, and the W3C’s AA rating for accessibility. In addition to use of Web standards like XHTML and CSS.

Amazing Search Engine Visibility

100% valid XHTML and CSS to the delight of browsers and search engines. Plone sites routinely get high rank in search results from Google.

A Beautiful Game Team

LDAP, SQL, SOAP, Web Services (WSDL) and WebDAV? Plone works well with everyone.

Pluggable Authentication

Integration is easy with LDAP, Active Directory and SQL database.
If you have a name, Plone can talk.


Support World

Whether you’re using the online documentation, mailing lists and chat? or the services of hundreds of companies in the world that support Plone? you’re never alone.

Open Source, Open Standards

Plone is released under the same license open source Linux uses the open source programming language Python and the Zope application server.
This avoids vendor lock-in and license fees, in return you gain a more certain future? and the freedom to innovate.

Great Books, On Line and on Paper

There are currently five books on Plone, with translations in German, Italian, Japanese and many other languages.

Innovative and Extensible

Hundreds of additional products available? forums, issue tracker, blogs and collaboration tools.


Protected and Mature

Plone is the square for more than five years, the Plone Foundation, a non-profit foundation run by the community, holds and protects intellectual property and trademarks. Plone can also count on the support of legal experts from the Software Freedom Law Center.

In Good Company

Organizations as diverse as NASA, Oxfam, eBay, Trolltech, Nokia, Utah State University, Creative Commons and Plone Wolford use for content management. We would be delighted to welcome to you in the community.

Plone is your ace in the hole

Used for a company intranet site or a community. Plone Delivers.

Want to know more?

A versatile software such as Plone can be used in a myriad of ways. Browse the section of sites that use Plone to see how many different ways people have implemented solutions Zope and Plone.

The website you’re looking at right now is powered by Plone – in fact this is the way in which they are presented out-of-the-box, except for minimal customization. Plone can be easily adapted to very different needs, and different default professional layout on which to base your site.

Current Status

The Plone Team released Plone 2.5, and is working on version 3.0 is currently in alpha stage. See also the roadmap . If you want to help make Plone Web Content Management System is the best Open Source world, go directly to the section of development – we are always looking for people with talent.

Official Link:

Do you know the system and would like to explain to our visitors? Post a free guide to the Plone CMS.
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