Other open source systems for tracking visitors

0.1.9 Features of Php-Stats:

  • Operating system and browser monitoring
  • Spider Monitoring Grabber
  • Monitor resolution and color depth
  • Monitoring Page Views
  • Referer Tracking
  • Monitoring Search Engine
  • Monitoring Query to search engines
  • Monitoring Member of belonging through identification with the host or the ip-to-country database (*) can be installed separately
  • Monitoring Languages
  • Tracking time spent on the site and individual pages
  • Statistics hourly, daily and monthly
  • Montly
  • Details of the visitors, thanks to which you can view all the pages you visit and ricostriure paths visit your site as well as a source.
  • Excluded from the statistics of your location and more IP
  • Downloads counter
  • Click counter
  • Skinnable, or through a templating system you can have pages of statistics with the same layout of your site or its control panel by simply changing some files.
  • Integrated Whois
  • Online users
  • Excel export of the details and IP
  • System backup and restore of the database (with gzip compression, if your hoster provides the necessary libraries)
  • System password recovery
  • Pruning to limit the space occupied by Php-Stats
  • Auto-check for new versions or updates
  • Weekly report via e-mail access
  • Weather on access based on linear regression and polynomial of second, third and fourth grade (**)
  • Operating systems, browsers, hourly statistics, queries to search engines, sites of origin (referers) can be monitored globally or on a monthly basis (each independently).
  • Download Php-Stats