Are you looking for a powerful and secure hosting for your website with Joomla or other open source software preinstalled such as mambo, joomla, wordpress, gallery menalto, Drupal, PostNuke, typo3 and many others , contact us for information

Server features optimized for Joomla and MySQL 5 that in the case can be exploited for multi-site Joomla.
- IonCube and ZendOptimizer
- Register Globals Emulation: OFF
- Register Globals: OFF
- Magic Quotes: ON
- Safe Mode: OFF
- Chmod no problem (forgot to change the permissions every time you install or uninstall a simple plug-in module or component, but also for updates, in many cases simply install the new version)
New customers in the gift Wysiwyg Pro editor that allows you to upload pictures or other files directly into pages with a single puff, you’ll never need to toggle the editor to write code (javascript, iframe, php , asp, java, etc. ..) and other useful features such as the restriction of the editor only to administrators, publishers, authors, publishers, or registered or anonymous users, etc. ..