Installation Guide PHP on Windows IIS.

  1. Download the installation package PHP version 4.1.2 or higher available at .
  2. Unpack the archive (for example: to d: php).
  3. Rename the file php.ini-recommended to php.ini. Copy php.ini to x: Windows.
  4. Open the file php.ini in Any text editor. Replace extension_dir =
    with extension_dir = d: php extensions

    Replace doc_root =
    with doc_root = "d: Inetpub wwwroot"

    Replace cgi.force_redirect = 1
    with cgi.force_redirect = 0

    Save changes.

  • Copy the file from php4ts.dll d: php to x: Windows System32.
  • Select in the menu Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  • Right-click your site in the Web Sites tree (in many cases it is Indicated as Default Web Site). Select the Properties command in the context menu to open the site properties window.
    • Click the Home Directory tab.
    • In the Application settings section, select Scripts and Executables in the Execute Permissions drop-down list.

    • Then, click the Configuration button beside.
    • Click the Mappings tab.
      Applying extensions to the whole site on the Mappings tab Allows the selected extensions to be used with all virtual folders of the site.

    • Click Add to Set the path to Isapi.dll and Specify the php file extension.

    • Fill in the dialog box fields in the Following way:

      Executable: click Browse to locate php4isapi.dll or type or paste the path name: d: php sapi php4isapi.dll;
      Extension: type. Php;

      Uncheck the box Verify That file exists. Check the Script Engine box.

    • Each open Click OK in the dialog box to save changes.
    • Right-click the Web Service Extensions item in the IIS tree bread. In the context menu, select the Add a New Web Service Extensions item.

    • Click Add Required in the file section to assign a new filter name (. Php) and the path to php4isapi.dll. Should this file RESIDE in d: php sapi php4isapi.dll.

      • Check the Set extension status to Allowed box.
      • Click OK.
    • Now You have to make index.php a default page. Do the following.
      • Right-click your site in the Web Sites tree. In the context menu, select Properties.
      • Click the Documents tab.
      • Click Add.

      • The Add Content Page dialog box will open. Type index.php in the Default content page field.

      • Click OK.
      • A new entry is added index.php to the end of the list. Click the Move Up button until you move index.php to the top.

      • Save changes by clicking OK.
    • For the changes to take effect, stop the IIS and then start it again.

      Checking PHP

      1. Create a test.php file. Type The following directive in it:

        <? phpinfo ();?>

      2. Save the file in the root folder of the site.
      3. Open the file in the browser: http://localhost/test.php.
      4. The browser will display the table with the PHP settings FOLLOWS Which Should look like (It Means That is Properly configured PHP on your server):