J!Dump v1.1.2
LFI in J!Dump v1.1.2 and before 060111 The extension is fixed in version 1.1.3 070111
News e informazioni utili sugli ultimi bug scoperti dal team Joomla
LFI in J!Dump v1.1.2 and before 060111 The extension is fixed in version 1.1.3 070111
xmovie 1.0 LFi 010111
xss 181210 http://www.akeebabackup.com/home/item/929-security-release-admin-tools-1-1.html devs update statement
XSS for versions 2.0.13 and below 161210 dev release 2.0.14
JRadio LFI/SID 161210 http://www.fxwebdesign.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&Itemid=56 developer fix statement
JE Auto 1.0 SQL I 091210 developers bug fix statement
xss 081210 dev notice update to 1.3.1
SQL I (relist) 251110 Dev states resolved,
Jimtawl LFI 251110
mosets tree various 181110 vulnerabilità, il componente é commerciale e possibile aggiornarlo per chi lo...