{joomad pos=left rssid=8} {joomad pos=top rssid=8} {joomad pos=right rssid=8}
ObfuscateMeObfuscateMe is a Joomla! 1.5 extension that hides part of (or whole) pages into JavaScript code in order to prevent (primarily) spambots to gather e-mail addresses from your published content. But it also prevents the content to be seen by web crawlers (like Google’s, Yahoo!’s) who don’t execute the JavaScript code in the pages they visit. It hides anything, be it plain text or HTML, except for JavaScript code you want to be executed on the client side (which it hides from bots, but will not be executed). Its use is as simple as putting the content you want to hide from bots inside {obfuscate}{/obfuscate} tags (or another tag you define in the Plugin Manager). For clients who don’t have JavaScript enabled, it displays a customizable fall-back message.

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