One click registration One click registration Makes it possible for users to register really fast. Just fill in a name and click the submit button and emailadress and you’re logged in and ready to go! This components Also Supports Community builder CBmode But You need to switch on in the parameters after installing components. Often I use this component when i need some special input fields in the registration form joomla That insert date of third party components. Customizing the regular registration procedures can be a lot of work, and it gets even more complicated When you have a lot of components installed on Joomla That youre all need to be up to date. All fields Have Javascript field validation. When registering the component checks for usernames and double emailadresses. Choose Exactly Which input fields You want to display in the backend parameters. People who know a little bit about PHP and MYSQL Queries Easily can change this component for there own purpose. This is a beta version! Always make backups before playing around with this component. The component writes the data directly to the user tables: # __users __core_acl_aro # # # __core_acl_groups_aro_map __comprofiler (When CB mode is on!)