Drupal is a CMS and Framework. It ‘a convenient and free way to create websites, communities, blogs, etc. .. Thanks to its community of developers Italians can also find many additional modules and entire communities that give support to new users. Download Drupal 5.2Drupal modules download

E ‘written in PHP and uses MySQL and PostgreSQL are the only DBMS supported at this time. runs on several operating systems including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and any platform that supports Apache web server (version 1.3 or higher) or IIS (version 5 or higher) and PHP (version 4.3.3 or higher). E ‘distributed under the GPL, this means that allows for free use and maintaining the open source concept.

Drupal is currently available in 37 languages English the default language, Italian, etc. ..
It installs easily through its wizard, you should call the address of the website where you downloaded to start it, follow the onscreen instructions.

Some modules are important

Multi-site (you have access to php.ini)
User Management
etc. ..

Some major integrated bridge are: vBulletin, Menalto Gallery, Coppermine, Cpanel, Webmail Horde, CivicCRM, etc. ..

The core contains a number of Drupal modules. Other modules can still integrate with a few clicks from the administration.

The core modules offer these features:

– Add, edit and archive content
– Add a comment
– Participate in the forum
– Respond to polls
– Working in collaborative writing projects
– Enter and view user profiles
– Communicate with users and site administrators
– Change the look of the site using graphical themes already developed and ready for use
– Create multiple levels of menu navigation structure
– Locate the interface in different languages, allowing the user to choose
– Provide RSS feeds
– Collect and present RSS content from other sites
– Register new users and manage accounts
– Managing in a granular roles and permissions for individual users or entire groups
– Use rules to prevent access to the site to specific users by name, email address, IP address
– Collect and submit detailed site stats
– Manage caching and throttling, functionality that lets you disable some modules / blocks in the case of high traffic site
– Create and specify various filters on the input of users and different content models
– Generate easy to remember addresses, allowing a better rating in search engines

In addition, the site contains hundreds of free modules Drupal community developed. Some of the features provided by the modules developed or improved by users:

– E-commerce
– Workflow editorial
– Photo Gallery
– Self-managed groups
– Google Sitemap
– Manage mailing list
– Integration with CVS
– Managing image and video
– Manage third party services (Adsense, AuctionAds, Technorati, etc.).
– Add functionality Javascript and Ajax

International Support Site

Italian Site Support

Source: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drupal