The future of Java is open source

The announcement came directly from the top management of the Sun: The Future of Java is open source. The group relies on the open world with great confidence in the light of the good results of OpenSolaris, and various Linux vendors are ready to seize the opportunity.

Not "if", not "if" but "how". Sun has no doubt that Java is a name that in the near future will be an integral part of the open source world, and if the conversion has not yet been important only because the procedure can be studied in detail to determine the exact mode of realization.

The major announcement, and analysts expected and suggested by the Java community for some time, comes the voice of Jonathan Schwartz and Rich Green, two of the senior officials of the Sun The occasion is the annual JavaOne, the event that collected in San Francisco developers working on Java.

At a press conference after the event, the Group CEO Jonathan Schwartz said his enthusiasm for everything new and upcoming words apparently aimed mainly addressed to investors: to make open source the Java world "does not mean limiting the revenue, but it means limiting barriers to revenue. "

Schwartz explained that a previous similar venture has been dealt with Solaris (OpenSolaris today) and then growth of the project was surprising. "Who will pay for the product will continue to do so," agreed with this analysis, the CEO terminated the conversation about the concerns of an economic nature that could cloud the beginning of the "open source.

The consequences of global reach waterfall are also other open source projects such as Sun Java Studio Creator or Java System Portal Server and Java also is ready for the next release of Linux vendors such as Ubuntu, Gentoo and Debian. JavaOne is continued with a series of ads (in reference to Visual Basic, Project Phobos, Mustang and more), but the conversion of the Java world is definitely the highlight of an event that Sun plans to relaunch in a moment of blurred linking work (The title on the stock market has lost about 10% in a few trading days).

Submitted by Orikanu