JoomFish Traduzione Joomla

Joom! Fish multilingual component for Joomla

JoomFish Traduzione Joomla

Joom! Fish is a great component for joomla can translate multilingual content / articles, forms, menus, etc. .. of your site in different languages, install the component before we find the languages of Joomla that we need, these files should be included in the folder / language that you find in the root of your Joomla. This component is compatible with Joomla 1.5 – that with older versions of joomla 1.1.15 .

  • Joomfish Utente.pdf Guide
    This is useful in joomfish_migrator_etl us if we have to import translations from an old to a new version of Joomla Joomla 1.5.x you must unzip and then upload the files in the migrator in its default folders.

Other add-ons to translate third party components.

Configuration Guide Joomfish for Joomla multilanguage

1) Download the Joomfish component

original version:

2) Before installing Joomfish, set to 777 permissions to the folder joomla mambots> system

3) Install Joomfish as any component

It will also automatically install the module "JoomFish language selection" that allows you to change the language from the frontend.
To check which languages are active for translation with Joomfish, go into the in joomla
Components> Joomfish> Languages

The following screen appears:

Check that the columns are regularly active and ISO completed.


If this screen you have only one or two languages and want to add more, you must install the necessary language packs for Joomla.
Language packs can be downloaded from

To install on your Joomla site, go to the admin panel
Site> Manage Language> Site
Click the New icon, click Browse and select the language pack still zipped.

After installing the new language file, return to the screen in Joomfish
Components> Joomfish> Languages
Joomfish will automatically recognize the language, but you must activate it and burn the ISO (see image above).


To translate your site, go to Components> Joomfish> Translation
In the top right you will see a drop down menu titled Elements of Content. Select one of the elements, eg. contents (ie contents) will appear, listing all the contents of the site.
Now select the language in which you want to translate content from the drop down menu languages.
Click on any of the content, and display the contents in all the fields below and to each of the field for the translation.

Before you save the translation, be sure to check the public box, otherwise it will not be published.

The same procedure applies to all the content item.

HOW TO TRANSLATE components with Joomfish?

Joomfish to translate its components, install the Joom! Fish Content Element Installer and then, through this component, load the xml file of the component you want to translate.
Some XML files are located in the project area Joomfish Files
others are available in SVN =% 2F% 2Fdevelopment% 2Fcontentelements

NB: If you do not download the xml file from this page but elsewhere, to make sure they are not for Joomfish Mamblefish (otherwise they will see them in administration), that must begin with

<? Xml version = "1.0"?>
<joomfish type="contentelement">
</ Joomfish>